the rules

Jayne Dalton is the creator of Saturday Adventures. Her favorite activities include eating carbs, meeting interesting people, writing her kid's college essays, and sitting outside with a cocktail (or a few). Combine all of these - and no kids in the house - and you get the best Saturday adventures ever. Her friends and family have caught on and it has become a lifestyle

*written by Jayne's daughter

The goal of Saturday Adventures is to document our adventures and also gain recommendations from others on how to make our weekends worth the wait. Try something new and meet the strangers around you, you never know what you'll get into.

Saturday does not solely belong to laundry and the vacuum. Live life, get out and enjoy your Saturday adventure!

about me

There are only a few rules one has to follow to participate in the game of Saturday Adventuring:

1. You must never have been to the place where you start
2. You must go where the bartender/waiter suggests next
3. Don't forget to call an Uber!
4. Take lots of pictures
Now go start enjoying your Saturdays!